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Alessandra Calanchi, Former Professor of Anglo American Literature and Culture University of Urbino, ha il piacere di comunicarci che è uscito il saggio Wrightsville Anthology, or Ellery Queen's Adventures in Murderland: A Critical-Creative Study di Luca Sartori, tratto dalla laurea magistrale discussa a Urbino, su Ellery Queen, ed è acquistabile per pochi euro qui:
Il risultato è eccellente. Impaginazione perfetta, testo perfetto, indice e note interattive, copertina che è un'opera d'arte – fatta da Luca stesso, senza AI. Il link più sopra è relativo ad, ma il libro è acquistabile e cercabile su tutti gli Amazon del mondo, USA, UK e Australia compresi.
Questo testo si può acquistare solo su Amazon Kindle Store – essendo esclusivamente in edizione ebook.
Di seguito la scheda dell'eBook:
"Dive into the enigmatic realm of detective fiction with 'Wrightsville Anthology, or Ellery Queen's Adventures in Murderland: A Critical-Creative Study.' In this meticulously crafted exploration, the author embarks on an intellectual journey, challenging the stereotypes associated with the detective genre. The book opens with a bold declaration, asserting the parallels between detective fiction and 'committed literature,' unravelling the intricate relationship between author and reader.The first part of the essay provides a panoramic view of the evolution of detective fiction, from its prehistory to the 20th century, using Edgar Allan Poe's Auguste Dupin as a theoretical boundary. Delving into Ellery Queen's contributions, the second chapter unveils the multifaceted persona of the author-detective, while the third chapter, on exploring the Queenian New York milieu, immerses readers in the genius loci of Wrightsville, Queen's imaginary yet realistic New England town.The second part of the book meticulously dissects the four full-length novels plus three novelettes making up the Wrightsville Chronicles, offering profound insights into Ellery Queen's detective prowess challenged in different situations: murky family affairs in ‘Calamity Town’; Oedipal disclosures in ‘The Murderer Is a Fox’; grandiose theomachy in ‘Ten Days’ Wonder’; superstition and nursery rhymes in ‘Double, Double’. Such variety of events, however, takes place in the same microcosm – Ellery Queen’s Murderland – peopled by the same characters as human archetypes moulded on the epitaphs in Lee Master’s Spoon River. The closing chapter ponder the relevance of Queen's seemingly old-fashioned and out-of-date investigative techniques in the contemporary era, exploring the impact of technology on detective fiction. A thought-provoking conclusion contemplates the various paths open to modern authors, emphasizing the enduring significance of place and setting in crime fiction. Immerse yourself in a literary odyssey that transcends time and space, inviting readers to reconsider the timeless allure of classic detective fiction."
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